MDSV Webinar on Wednesday, 7/17: Investing in the AI-Driven Innovation Supercycle.

Register to learn about the new startup investing playbook for family offices and LPs.

Our Approach to Investing

MDSV Capital is a Silicon Valley-based venture capital fund that leverages its robust emerging manager ecosystem for asymmetric data intelligence and early access to outlier startups achieving revenue hypergrowth.

Our invitation-only online platform, The Promontory, offers velocity and revenue growth trackers for emerging manager VC funds’ portfolio companies. This data, combined with our deep relationships with emerging managers, gives our LPs a more efficient way to discover and invest in the tech investment outliers that we expect to drive greater alpha.

Identify & Invest
in High-Revenue,
The MDSV Emerging Outliers Fund is actively investing in the high-velocity, high-revenue-growth startups of the current AI-driven innovation supercycle across key verticals such as AI, Defense Tech, Deep Tech and the automation economy.

MDSV in the News

Our Managing Partner, Michael Downing, recently appeared on two podcasts to discuss how the current AI-driven Innovation Supercycle has both similarities and key differences compared to Silicon Valley’s previous tech cycles, and why the next 36 months are critical for timely investment in both AI and AI-enabled sectors.